Summary. The dislocation of the endoprosthesis head is one of hip arthroplasty complications. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of dislocation is multifactorial. That is why only a thorough analysis of the patient’s peculiarities, surgery and rehabilitation will help to avoid the relapse. Risk factors associated with the patient include: old age, male gender, obesity, concomitant diseases, low level of preoperative physical activity, low compliance, and some others. The problem of biomechanical ratio in the segment “spine – pelvis – lower limb” deserves special attention. Besides, there are risk factors associated with the surgeon: access option, type of implant, fixation and position of endoprosthesis components, experience and surgical technique of the orthopedic surgeon. The strategy of dislocations rate reduction is based on a detailed study of dislocation causes and their elimination, and adequate surgery planning. The treatment of a patient with dislocation should take into account the multifactorial etiology of the condition.
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