Summary. Objective: the article analyzes the early clinical and radiological signs of instability of the components of the endoprosthesis in unicondylar arthroplasty of the knee joint due to gonarthrosis; ways to stabilize them were identified.
Materials and Methods. Clinical and radiological examination of 14 patients aged 69-82 years, who had a history of unicondylar knee arthroplasty, was performed. The study included 13 female and 1 male patients. The postoperative period was 6 years in 2 patients, 8 years in 4 patients, and 10 years in 8 patients.
Results and Conclusions. Early clinical manifestations of instability include the appearance or intensification of pain in the operated on joint, decreased range of motion, increased angular deviation of the lower leg, and edema of the distal extremities. Radiologically, signs of instability occurred only on the part of the tibial component in the form of leveling the area of subprosthetic osteosclerosis, local osteoporosis, and protrusion of the component in the posterior and posterolateral directions. The reprosthetics technique developed by the authors allowed obtaining good results in all operated on patients.
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