Summary. A retrospective analysis of case histories and radiographs of 138 patients with hip-lumbar syndrome who underwent hip joint replacement in the clinic of orthopedics and adult traumatology at the ITO NAMS of Ukraine was carried out. It has been determined that the variant of vertical posture, acting on the morphogenesis of coxarthrosis, determines the rate of its progression. It was determined that in the presence of hip-lumbar syndrome, a moderate form of CA progression most often occurs, regardless of the type of lordosis. The slow rate of progression of coxarthrosis is characteristic of hyper- and normolordosis. Hypolordosis is statistically significant (p < 0,05) characterized by a faster course of the pathological process in the hip joint than other types of lordosis. The studies will contribute to the further development of the clinical diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for patients with hip-lumbar syndrome.
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