Microflora of Secretions in a Surgical Hospital of Orthopedics and Traumatology Profile for 2021-2023 (SI “ITO NAMS of Ukraine”)
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infectious complications
microflora of secretions
orthopedic and trauma patients

How to Cite

Liutko, O., Vitrak, K., Didenko, S., & Melnyk , K. (2024). Microflora of Secretions in a Surgical Hospital of Orthopedics and Traumatology Profile for 2021-2023 (SI “ITO NAMS of Ukraine”). TERRA ORTHOPAEDICA, (2(121), 17-23. https://doi.org/10.37647/2786-7595-2024-121-2-17-23


Summary. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), namely, surgical site infections, early postoperative and subsequent in-hospital infections, are the most common undesirable phenomenon in the world. According to statistics, at least one case of HAIs is diagnosed in every 100 hospitalized patients in hospitals of 7 developed and 15 other countries of the world at any given time. The occurrence of such complications during the treatment of a patient in a hospital leads to the need of additional diagnostic tests, additional courses of antibiotics, and unplanned surgical intervention. Worsening of the prognosis of treatment may occur due to the formation of the so-called resistant microflora in such patients, with a real probability of spreading the infection in the hospital. Prevention of HAIs in practice occurs through planned infection control in operating rooms and procedure rooms in clinical departments and qualified timely diagnostic work of certified microbiological laboratories in hospitals.

Objective. The objective of the study was to determine the spectrum of microflora of secretions for three years (2021-2023) in orthopedic and trauma patients due to changes in modern injuries received more often because of military aggression and to propose the identified differences as criteria for prescribing antibacterial drugs in complex inpatient treatment. The work shows that over the past three years (2021-2023), the ratio of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms in the study material almost did not change and averaged 1.65. The peculiarity of the analyzed period was an increase in the number of methicillin-resistant staphylococci by 1.3 times. The spectrum of gram-negative clinical strains has changed, namely, the number of Kl.pneumoniae clinical strains with a high level of polyresistance has increased by 2.5 times. The obtained data made it possible to identify the spectrum of microflora of secretions in orthopedic and trauma patients with modern infectious complications, which prompts us to make changes in the standards of antibacterial treatment protocols, and to plan the needs for certain antibiotics in hospitals with personalization of their prescription to improve the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the risk of development of antimicrobial resistance.

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