No. 4(115) (2022): Herald of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics
Herald of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics

ISSN 0132-2486

Publisher: SI "The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of NAMS of Ukraine"


A.P. Liabakh, I.A. Lazariev, O.A. Turchyn, V.M. Piatkovskyi
The Effect of Mechanical Properties of the Capsular-Connected Complex Acetabulum Pedis on Movements in the Two-Segment Foot Model in Normal Foot and Flatfoot
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I.A. Lazarev, V.O. Biliavskyi, L.M. Yuriichuk, S.V. Bohdan
Musculoskeletal Modeling of the Compensatory Role of the Shoulder Muscles in Ensuring the Stability of the Shoulder Joint in the Conditions of Partial Traumatic Tear of the Supraspinatus Muscle Caused by Calcific Tendinitis
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O.O. Hatskyi, I.B. Tretiak, V.I. Tsymbaliuk, Yu.L. Chyrka, Hao Jiang, Ya.V. Tsymbaliuk, A.I. Tretiakova
Preconditions for the Successful Segmental Step-Wise Reconstruction of the Global Function of the Upper Extremity in Case of the Complete Brachial Plexus Injury (Case Report)
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L.Yu. Naumenko, A.O. Mametiev, O.O. Vinnyk
Long-Term Functional Consequences of Treatment of Fractures of the Distal Metaepiphysis of the Radius
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M.L. Ankin, T.M. Petryk, V.O. Ladyka, S.L. Dudar
Long Bone Fractures and Mineral-Bone Disorders in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Treated with Hemodialysis
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M.P. Hrytsai, Yu.V. Poliachenko, V.M. Tsokalo, H.B. Kolov, T.A. Yevlantieva
Features of the Occurrence and Development of Infectious Complications in Patients with Combat Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System (according to the Own Experience)
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О.А. Бур’янов, Ю.О. Ярмолюк, М.П. Грицай, Ю.В. Клапчук, Д.В. Лось, Т.М. Омельченко, Г.Б. Колов, С.О. Деркач
Modern Approaches to Replacing the Method of Fixation in Gunshot Fractures of Long Bones
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