Summary. The assessment of foot and ankle function still remains an actual issue of the modern orthopedics.
Objective: comparative qualitative analysis of the most common assessment systems of foot and ankle function.
Materials and Methods. The search from PubMed databases from 1946 to 2021 was done. 8898 publications were detected in which assessment systems of foot and ankle function have been used. 12 assessment systems presented in 5705 publications were selected for analysis (inclusion criterion – no less than 40 publications): AOFAS scale, VAS, SF-36 EQL, FFI, FAOS, FAAM, FADI, BFS, MOFAQ, FFI-R, Roles&Maudsley scale, VAS FA. The analysis predicted the assessment system philosophy: numerical estimate, VAS, Likert scale, patient- or investigatororiented, and reliability evidence.
Results. Most of the analized assessment systems meet criteria of reliability (r>0.8; Kronbach’s α≥0.9). For Roles&Maudsley scale and VAS, FA reliability has not been established. The validity fluctuates widely.
Conclusions. The choice of an assessment system must meet the research tasks. The consideration of strong and weak sides of assessment systems promotes their adequate combinations to avoid the bias effect.
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